Dr. Miao Pan
Title: Associate Professor, University of Houston
Email: mpan2@uh.edu
Web Page: http://www2.egr.uh.edu/~mpan2/
Affiliate Faculty
Dr. Tomoaki OHTSUKI
Title: Professor, Keio University, Japan Email: ohtsuki@ics.keio.ac.jp Web Page: https://www.st.keio.ac.jp/en/tprofile/ics/otsuki.htmlPhD Students
Mr. Chenpei Huang
Title: Ph.D. Student (Fall, 2019 - )
Email: tk39421@gmail.com
Research: Novel Biometric Based Authentication, Underwater Communications and Networking
B.S.: University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Web Page: http://panlab.ece.uh.edu/chuang
Mr. Arturo Haces-Garcia (Joint with Prof. Weihang Zhu)
Title: Ph.D. Student (Fall, 2020 - )
Email: ahaces-garcia@uh.edu
Research: Robotic and 3D Printing Applications
B.S.: Texas A&M University-Kingsville
Web Page: http://panlab.ece.uh.edu/agarcia
Mr. Huai-an Su (Joint with Prof. Xin Fu)
Title: Ph.D. Student (Fall, 2021 - )
Email: hsu2@uh.edu
Research: Wireless and Hardware Co-Design for Distributed Machine Learning
B.S.: National Tsing Hua University
Web Page: http://panlab.ece.uh.edu/hsu
Ms. Hui Zhong
Title: Ph.D. Student (Fall, 2022 - )
Email: hzhong2@uh.edu
Research: Biometric Based Security, Machine Learning
B.S.: Dalian Maritime University
Web Page: http://panlab.ece.uh.edu/hzhong
Mr. Hernando Zhang (Joint with Prof. Bin Hu)
Title: Ph.D. Student (Fall, 2023 - )
Email: hzhang3@uh.edu
Research: Robotics, Control and AI
B.S.: Parahyangan Catholic University
Web Page: http://panlab.ece.uh.edu/hzhang
Mr. Akram Mohammad
Title: Ph.D. Student (Fall, 2024 - )
Email: amoham65@cougarnet.uh.edu
Research: Federated Unlearning on Mobile AI Systems
M.S.: University of Houston
Web Page: http://panlab.ece.uh.edu/amohammad
Mr. Lingfeng Yao
Title: Ph.D. Student (Fall, 2024 - )
Email: im.lingfeng.yao@gmail.com
Research: AI/ML Security, Acoustic Security
M.S.: Xidian University
Web Page: http://panlab.ece.uh.edu/lyao
Mr. Xingke Yang (Joint with Prof. Xin Fu)
Title: Ph.D. Student (Fall, 2024 - )
Email: xyang56@cougarnet.uh.edu
Research: Wireless and Hardware Co-Design for Federated Learning
B.S.: Southwest Jiaotong University
Web Page: http://panlab.ece.uh.edu/xyang
MS Students
Mr. David Utomi
Title: MS Student (Spring, 2020 - )
Email: dutomi@uh.edu
Research: Wireless Networks
Mr. Steban Soto (Joint with Prof. Aaron T. Becker)
Title: MS Student (Summer, 2019 - )
Email: soto@uh.edu
Research: AUV Control, Underwater Communications and Networking
Mr. Vivek Ubale
Title: MS Student (Fall, 2018 - Spring, 2019)
Email: vubale@uh.edu
Research: Cognitive Radio Network
Undergraduate Students
Mr. Rufus Thomas
Title: NSF REU Undergraduate Student (Summer, 2024 - Summer, 2024)
Email: rpthoma2@cougarnet.uh.edu
Research: Federated Learning on Mobile Systems
Ms. Mugdha Sai Bhagavatula
Title: NSF REU Undergraduate Student (Summer, 2022 - Summer, 2022)
Email: mbhagavatula@uh.edu
Research: Learning Assisted Stress Wave Communications
Ms. LaShae Clarke
Title: NSF REU Undergraduate Student (Summer, 2020 - Summer, 2020)
Email: laclarke2@uh.edu
Research: Underwater Wireless Networking
Mr. Nhat Nguyen
Title: NSF REU Undergraduate Student (Summer, 2020 - Summer, 2020)
Email: nmnguyen19@uh.edu
Research: Underwater Wireless Networking, Stress Wave Communications
Mr. Sajid Khan
Title: UH SURF Undergraduate Student (Summer, 2020 - Summer, 2020)
Email: sakhan28@uh.edu
Research: Underwater Wireless Communications, AUV Control
Mr. Steban Soto
Title: Undergraduate Student (Summer, 2017 - Summer, 2019)
Email: soto@uh.edu
Research: Border Monitoring and Security
Mr. Jayson Varughese
Title: UH PURF Undergraduate Student (Spring, 2018 - Spring, 2019)
Email: jevarughese@uh.edu
Research: Flooding Water Level Monitoring and Residential Privacy
High School Students
Mr. Jeffrey Jiarui Chen
Title: High School Student (Summer, 2020 - Spring, 2022)
Affiliation: St. Mark’s School Of Texas
Achievements: Top 300 Scholar in the Regeneron Science Talent Search (STS) 2022, COVID-19 Vulnerability Map APP Development, GLOBECOM Publication
Visiting PhD Students
Mr. Tatsuya Mori
Title: M.S. Student
Email: t.mori@ohtsuki.ics.keio.ac.jp
Affiliation: Keio University, Japan
Research: HAPS Path Planning, Optimization and Coverage Scheduling
Visiting Period: May 2024 - November 2024
Mr. Maoqiang Wu
Title: Ph.D. Student
Email: maoqiang.wu@vip.163.com
Affiliation: School of Automation, Guangdong University of Technology, China
Research: Data collection and analysis in vehicular network
Visiting Period: November 2019 - November 2020
Ms. Liang Li
Title: Ph.D. Student
Email: liliang941127@gmail.com
Affiliation: School of Telecommunications Engineering, Xidian University, China
Research: Edge computing and caching
Visiting Period: October 2018 - October 2020
Mr. Feng Hu
Title: Ph.D. Student
Email: huf@nuaa.edu.cn
Affiliation: College of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China
Research: Cognitive radio communications and networking
Visiting Period: March 2018 - September 2018
Mr. Xingwang Wang
Title: Ph.D. Student
Email: xw.wang1990@gmail.com
Affiliation: College of Computer Science and Technology, Jilin University, China
Research: Underwater communications and networking
Visiting Period: October 2017 - April 2018
Visiting Scholars
Dr. Jixiang Lu
Title: Assistant Professor
Email: johnlu2016@hotmail.com
Affiliation: School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Visiting Period: September 2018 - September 2019
Dr. Ping Wang
Title: Assistant Professor
Email: pingwang@mail.xidian.edu.cn
Affiliation: School of Telecommunication Engineering, Xidian University, China
Visiting Period: October 2016 - October 2017

Dr. Pavana Prakash
Thesis: Towards Mobile-Device Friendly Federated Learning: Efficiency, Privacy and Personalization
Initial Employment: Research Scientist, HPE Labs, Milpitas, CA.
Email: pprakash3@uh.edu
Graduated: Ph.D., August 2023
Web Page: http://panlab.ece.uh.edu/pprakash

Dr. Rui Chen
Thesis: Delay and Energy Efficient Federated Learning over Heterogeneous Mobile Devices
Initial Employment: Data Scientist, Cognomotiv Inc., Menlo Park, CA.
Major Contributions: ICCV 23, MobiSys 23, JSAC, TMC.
Email: rchen19@uh.edu
Graduated: Ph.D., May 2023
Web Page: http://panlab.ece.uh.edu/rchen

Dr. Dian Shi
Thesis: Towards Intelligent Mobile Edging: High Efficiency, Low Cost and Good Decision
Initial Employment: Research Scientist, Tencent AI Lab, Beijing, China
Major Awards: ICC Student Travel Grant Award 2020
Email: dshi3@uh.edu
Graduated: Ph.D., May 2022
Web Page: http://panlab.ece.uh.edu/dshi

Dr. Jiahao Ding
Thesis: Towards Plausible Collaborative Machine Learning: Privacy, Efficiency and Fairness
Initial Employment: Applied Scientist, Amazon AWS, New York City, NY
Major Awards: Cullen Graduate Student Success Fellowship, UH 2022, Andrea Prosperetti Research Computing Student Award, UH 2021
Email: jding7@uh.edu
Graduated: Ph.D., May 2022
Web Page: http://panlab.ece.uh.edu/jding

Dr. Xinyue Zhang
Thesis: Location and Data Privacy Preservation in Intelligent Systems
Initial Employment: Assistant Professor, CS, Kennesaw State University
Major Awards: ICDCS Student Travel Grant Award 2019
Email: xzhang48@kennesaw.edu
Graduated: Ph.D., May 2021
Web Page: http://panlab.ece.uh.edu/xzhang

Dr. Debing Wei
Thesis: Internet of Underwater Things: Enabling Technologies of Underwater Communications and Hybrid Networking
Initial Employment: Wireless System Application Engineer, LitePoint
Major Awards: WUWNet Student Travel Grant Award 2019
Email: wei.debing@gmail.com
Graduated: Ph.D., May 2021
Web Page: http://panlab.ece.uh.edu/dwei
Dr. Jingyi Wang
Thesis: Big Data Privacy Preservation for Cyber-Physical Systems
Initial Employment: Assistant Professor, CS, San Francisco State University
Major Awards: UH ECE Best Dissertation Award, GLOBECOM Best Paper Award
Email: jingyiwang@sfsu.edu
Graduated: Ph.D., May 2019
Web Page: http://panlab.ece.uh.edu/jwang
Dr. Sai Mounika Errapotu (Joint with Prof. Zhu Han)
Thesis: Secure Computing with Privacy Preservation for CPS
Initial Employment: Research Staff, University of Houston
Current Employment: Assistant Professor, ECE, University of Texas at El Paso
Major Awards: UH ECE Best Dissertation Award
Email: serrapotu@utep.edu
Graduated: Ph.D., May 2018
Web Page: http://panlab.ece.uh.edu/serrapotu
Yawei Pang
Initial Employment: Ph.D. Student, University of Florida
Email: yaweipang@gmail.com
Graduated: M.S., August 2015
Yunan Gu
Initial Employment: Ph.D. Student, University of Houston
Current Employment: Huawei, Beijing Research Center
Email: douyalalala@hotmail.com
Graduated: M.S., August 2013