WiFIUS: Collaborative Research: Ambient Re-Scatter Inspired Machine Type Co
mmunication for Heterogeneous IoT Systems
Project Information
- WiFIUS: Collaborative Research: Ambient Re-Scatter Inspired Machine Type Communication for Heterogeneous IoT Systems (CNS-1702850), PI. National Science Foundation, April 1, 2017 – March 31, 2019. This is a collaborative project with Dr. Zhu Han at University of Houston, Dr. Riku Jäntti at Aalto University, Finland, and Dr. Jukka Lempiäinen at Tampere University of Technology, Finland.
- This webpage and the materials provided here are based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. CNS-1702850.
Project Summary
Internet of Things (IoT) has potential benefits and numerous applications, ranging from smart cities to assisted living. IoT is also expected to have many trillion dollars economic impact in the next decade. IoT is a network of physical objects, whose connectivity requires low power consumption, long battery life, low duty cycle and massive number of low cost devices. Based on the recently standardized Narrow band IoT (NB-IOT) technique for machine type communications, the proposed scheme targets adding low cost Ambient Re-Scatter (ARS) devices to an existing NB-IOT communication system, which can significantly improve the overall system capacity and the excess capacity can be shared between the NB-IOT and ARS systems. Hence, this project enables to integrate ultra-low power devices to the communication systems in spectral and energy efficient manners. Novel methods and transmission schemes allowing ARS devices to collaborate with each other and with other networks are also proposed. The success of this project will boost such ultra-low power IoT solutions. The transformative and interdisciplinary nature of the proposed research work will advance the knowledge of communications engineering, and the outcomes of the project can potentially be used by industry for network development and impact future industrial standardization.
Personnel at UH
- Dr. Miao Pan, PI
- Dr. Zhu Han, Co-PI
- Ms. Jingyi Wang, PhD Student
- Ms. Xinyue Zhang, PhD Student
- Mr. Mohamed A ElMossallamy, PhD Student
Personnel at Finland
- Dr. Riku Jäntti, PI at Aalto University
- Dr. Ruifeng Duan, Researcher at Aalto University
- Dr. Jukka Lempiäinen, PI at Tampere University of Technology
- R. Duan, R. Jäntti, M. ElMossallamy, Z. Han, and M. Pan, “Multi-Antenna Receiver for Ambient Backscatter Communication Systems,” submitted to the IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC 2018).
- M. ElMossallamy, Z. Han, M. Pan, R. Jäntti, K. Seddikz, and G. Li, “Backscatter Communications over Ambient OFDM Signals using Null Subcarriers”, submitted to the IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2018).
- X. Lu, N. Dusit, Y. Xiao, D. Kim, and Z. Han, “Ambient Backscatter Assisted Wireless Powered Communications,” to appear in IEEE Wireless Communications.
- X. Lu, H. Jiang, D. Niyato, D. Kim, and Z. Han, “Wireless-Powered Device-to-Device Communications with Ambient Backscattering: Performance Modeling and Analysis,” to appear in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
- Q. Yang, H. Wang, T. Zheng, and Z. Han, “Wireless Powered Asynchronous Backscatter Networks with Sporadic Short Packets: Performance Analysis and Optimization,” to appear in IEEE Transactions on Internet of Things.
- D. Hoang, D. Niyato, P. Wang, D. Kim, and Z. Han, “Ambient Backscatter: A New Approach to Improve Network Performance for RF-Powered Cognitive Radio Networks,” to appear in IEEE Transactions on Communications.
- W. Xu, X. Li, C. Lee, M. Pan, and Z. Feng, “Joint Sensing Duration Adaptation, User Matching, and Power Allocation for Cognitive OFDM-NOMA Systems,” to appear in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
- H. Zhang, N. Yang, K. Long, M. Pan, G. Karagiannidis and V. Leung, “Secure Communications in NOMA System: Subcarrier Assignment and Power Allocation”, to appear in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC).
- W. Xu, X. Li, C. Lee, M. Pan, and Z. Feng, “Joint Sensing Duration Adaptation, User Matching, and Power Allocation for Cognitive OFDM-NOMA Systems”, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
- J. Wang, Y. Long, J. Wang, S. Errapotu, H. Li, M. Pan, and Z. Han, “D-FROST: Distributed Frequency Reuse Based Opportunistic Spectrum Trading via Matching with Evolving Preferences”, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
- J. Wang, L. Zhang, Q. Gao, M. Pan, and H. Wang, “Device-free Wireless Sensing in Complex Scenarios Using Spatial Structural Information”, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.